
Ok so it turns out I was in fact running for Garmin Connect and not for 'myself'
Remember, your current running pace  is someone else's goal pace. Be kind to yourself
Bring on that horizon. And besides,  with the days getting shorter, you can sleep in a little bit more each day!
Some people will watch a movie to unwind. And some of us just go for  a 2 hour run instead.
I have faced more peer pressure to run a marathon than to do drugs
I went for a run but came back after  2 minutes because I forgot something..  I forgot I'm out of shape and can't run more than 2 minutes
Everybody out of my way!  It's fartlek day!!!!!
It's ok buddy. The lady with the stroller passed me to.
You know you're a runner when...  You can run 6 miles nonstop and still  feel out of shape.
"Glad things are going back to normal finally"  Me:
The Dr. said "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. And take these pills for pain." Then she asked if I had any questions.... I replied, "So can I run tomorrow?"
Shout out to the runners who haven't  felt okay lately, but get up everyday  and refuse to quit. Stay strong!!  You are my people
4.89 miles is NOT 5 miles,  so I run around the block again.
When I post a run selfie,  I am not bragging.  I am assuring my loved  ones that I am still alive!
I rather eat a whole bus tire than  stretch after a run
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