New Featured eBibs

Me: "I have to go home, I have so much  stuff to do"   When I get home:
Running with someone with  the same pace as you is  actually important
"I could eat."  Me, anytime I'm not running.
Someone:  the only time I run is when  i'm being chased Me:  . . . . suspicious
Funny how things change with time.  I used to hate running.
Being attracted to someone's pace is a real thing
Ugh my therapist blocked my number again.... he knows it's taper week for New York marathon and I call him for  any minor inconvenience
Finish Lines are where you realize just how beautiful is to be alive in this world
I suck at running on the treadmill...  6 minutes in and I'm like "So it's fuck me time huh"
* 1mile burns 100 calories * There is nothing worse than spending calories on disappointing food
*Friday mood* me to me at 10am: okay, now that  my marathon is over I'm  going out tonight  me at 7pm: haha oops
Being a baby
It's one of those days where if I don't go for a run, you'll be lucky not to see me on the news
Just once I would like to make it  through an entire hill workout without having a WTF moment
If you love her, buy her running shoes.
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