
Can everyone stop posting reels  running in the Alps? I'm at work.
BOSS: "Hey, can you hop on Zoom  real quick?"  ME:
If it's one thing about me imma put  some medals on yo timeline
Came home after a short run and my  dog peed a little because he was happy  to see me. None of my friends pee when they see me. I'm surrounded by fakes
Things only runners understand... Sizing up every street, path or alley for its potential as a running route.
So apparently running naked means no music, no watch, no GPS, no electronics period. I wish I knew this an hour ago
Yeah post-run stretches never killed  no one but why take the chance
Does anyone actually know what  you're supposed to do when people  are yelling "You're almost there" at  mile 5 in a marathon?
Whenever the machines do take over they're going to access all the "sexy pace" runs from my GPS watch and  be like this guy is not a threat
Today I saved $479.58 by not going  into REI for GU
I couldn't be a pastor. I'd be up there  like "YOU MFS don't respect God."
Congratulation on dating a runner.
She's so fast I could look at her all day
She's a 10.....but a 6 in Nike, and a 14 in Lululemon. why can't she find shorts?!? she's crying
RAA (Runners Anonymous Association)  "Hi, my name is Alan and I've been  running for 8 months."  "Hello Alan."
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