
Sometimes you just have to close your eyes, count to ten, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you wouldn't look good in prison stripes and just smile at the  dumbass and  walk away.
1. DENIAL  2. ANGER  3. BARGAINING  4. DEPRESSION  5. ACCEPTANCE  *my stages of getting  ready for treadmill
Learn to push through pain. Cause it  will hurt, and hurt, and hurt, and then one day... BOOM!! Stress fracture.  Then you rest
I think I've reached that point in my  life where happy hour is a nap
Dear treadmill,  I hate you.. but I need you.  Relationships are  complicated.
Hope they don't think it was me...
Learn a lesson from your dog:  No matter what life brings you, kick  some grass over that shit and move on.
*me after EVERY. SINGLE. RUN* Let's talk about cal-o-ries Let's talk about wine and cheese Let's talk about all the tacos  and the pizza I may eat  Let's talk about SNACKS
If you don't go for a run, how do you  know when to take a shower?
Coach: "The warm up should be nice  and easy to help get blood moving  and up your heart rate" Me after every warm up:
Hustlers don't sleep. We take naps!
That "Oh shit" feeling when you're  winded by your warmup...
I'm always weirdly proud when my  pee is clear. Like, fuck yea, I'm so damn hydrated
Is summer still a thing? Does warm weather still exist? Will it ever come back?
I better get that buckle--I'll need it to hold up my pants by the end of  the month!
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