
That awkward moment running near  a friends house when you want to text  them "hey, can I poop in your bathroom real quick?"
DIET TIP: Your pants will never get too tight  if you don't wear any.
I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than f@*k.
Can't believe as a kid I used to fall  asleep unassisted. No melatonin,  no CBD, just me and my eyelids  raw dogging it
I like to keep my metabolism guessing. Like... what's it gonna be today - Starvation or 6,000 calories?  Stay tuned to find out.
Happy birthday!  May you get all you wish for. Including a Boston qualifier.
If we are on the zoom call and my  "gatorade" got a salt rim mind your business
THE ROAD. It's a good listener
me: I'll run 5 today  Garmin: 5.12 miles  me: wow looks like I gotta run 6 now
Non-runners before coronavirus:   "RUN, FORREST, RUN"   Non-runners now:
"You're still a rockstar." I whisper to myself as I take an Ibuprofen and climb into bed at 8:00pm
Amber, she will inspire and walk away like a BOSS!
Why run an ultramarathon? No matter the metric
NO ONE: ABSOLUTELY NO ONE:  ME: hey y'all do you want  to see today's splits Of course you do, here they are
Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.
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