
I promise to stop talking about my marathon after I run my marathon
Trying to get in shape...  Maybe running 5 days  a week, it's often called "OBSESSIVE"... So sitting  at home watching TV  7 days a week isn't?
Not sure if fireworks or gunshots. Anyway, screw the brits.
The worst thing about getting hurt during a run... is figuring out how the f@*k you're gonna get home.
Distance Running; because with a butt this good, who needs sexy feet?
Best thing about Monday? Telling everyone about your PR from the race  over the weekend!
"ON YOUR LEFT!" The runners worst enemy, like bro chill out, you'll never do the Tour de France
occupation: runner AF
When we're young, we sneak out of our houses to go to parties. When we're old, we sneak out of the parties to go  home.
Definition of a running buddy:  Someone who will not only listen to but empathize with your TMI digestive  issues.
Yeah sex is great but have you ever finished a run exactly on 5.0 miles?
This fitness girl I follow on insta  TREATED herself today with regular  eggs instead of egg whites...  eggs bruh...I will never be fit
My body asked for a rest day and I  went for a 5 mile run because nobody tells me what to do
When you're drunk, you can actually  walk for fuckin' miles
Can't decide if I need a long run,  a hug, a gallon of ice-cream, bottle of wine, or two weeks of sleep...
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