
Be happy. It drives people crazy.
Me during the first mile: "fuck this  i'm sooo fuuckin tired"  Me during the last mile:  "fuck yeah baby that's what  i call a good run. I can't  wait for tomorrow"
You know you
One day I will solve my problems  with maturity. But until then, it will be with caffeine and a shitload of miles!
I don't know Bill... Maybe we went out too fast *Marathon Mile 1*
Finish line.... must... sprint...
In bed by 8 pm on a Friday night  is code for "there is a race tomorrow".
When you cut your weekly mileage  before a race, is it normal to want to  cut a bitch too?
HIM:  Tell me what you want ME:  Running gear... HIM: No!!! Tell me what you want in bed ME: Oh! *gets in bed* running gear
If the sun's in for the night, so am I, them's the rules
I can feel my "because I'm f*cking  tough" attitude coming out
ME: Can't. I'm exhausted from  all the CrossFit this morning. HIM: It's pronounced 'Croissant'..  And how the hell did you  eat the entire dozen?!
Therapist: Are you sexually active?  Me: I signed up for Marathon Des Sables  Therapist: A simple "No" is fine
No matter how fire your selfies are,  your race pics will always humble you
My 3 favorite things about running: 1. Not needing to talk to anybody 2. Not needing to smell anybody 3. Being alone
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