
Suck it up...  So one day you won't  have to suck it in
Why date a runner? Because you like being with people who LOOK like  they'd be good in bed - but in reality, are usually too tired or injured to ACTUALLY be good in bed.
Dear treadmill, I hate you.. but I need you. Relationships are complicated.
Effort level for this morning's run: somewhere between OMG and WTF
Of COURSE it's a coincidence that there is a race (with a really cool medal) in the same place I planned our vacation!
Kinda hate rest days but whatever
During sex you burn as much  calories as running for 5 miles. Who the f**k runs 5 miles  in 30 seconds??
When you go for a run and completely forget how out of shapes you are...  Your slow run  feels like a max  heart rate test
That embarrassing moment when  you realize that the person waving,  wasn't waving at you
Ask your doctor if getting off  your ass is right for you.
HIM:   I'm getting hints of oak,  currant and cassis ME:  I'm getting  hammered
Just wanted to let you know that is NOT okay to run and then NOT post about it  on social
"Strava, because I'm worth it!"
I won't quit. But I will cuss the whole time.
Finally, a bug that you want to catch! Catch the health and fitness bug and  join us for 50 or 100 miles this month!
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