
Just slung my t-shirt off and threw in on the other side of the room where  there are already 3 other t-shirts.. If my math is right,  it's Thursday.
I've decided I'll never get down to my  original weight. I'm okay with that.  After all, 6 lb 4 oz is just not realistic.
I love RUNNING. It only took me 7hrs & 10min to figure that out !!!
That "See you tomorrow morning"  turned into "See you in June"
Why do professional athletes think i  should care about what they think? If i wanted advice from someone who  chases a ball, I'd ask my dog.
I workout because it's good for me.  Also, because I like to eat. A lot.
A banana is 105 Calories. A glass of Prosecco is 80. Choose wisely.
I used to be able to drink all weekend. Now, a night of drinking requires more recovery time than my last marathon!
Shouts out to all the runners trying to deal with their own shit on top  of all this other shit
It's okay if your form falls apart while running uphill... Tacos fall apart and we still love them.
Competition or no competition..  still bustin' my butt every damn day.
"I'm free on feb 14"  yeah dude we can tell
Medals don't impress me.... Unless they are my medals
Nobody: Absolutely no one: Not a single soul: Not even their mom: FiTneSs iNFLuEnceR:  "A lot of you have been  asking me about my  gym routine.."
If my alarm is set for 6:00 and you wake me up at 5:54...PREPARE. TO. DIE.
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