
It's time to go for a run and I'm still walking funny from my last workout
Them: "you don't look like a runner" Me: "ok so what do you want me to do"
The older I get the meaner I get... I'm pretty sure within the next few years I'll be biting people.
Exercise helps you live longer?  That's funny.. I feel like I'm dying!
Me after NYC Marathon: "this muscle  soreness can't possibly get any worse"  Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness:  "Ohhhh just wait bitch, there is more!!"
Some runners cuss too much....  It's me, I'm some runners.
TRIATHLON  Why suck at only one sport when you  can suck at three
My superpower? I change from "pretty girl" to "hot, panting, smelly  wad of hair and sweat" in  under 30 minutes.  Wanna see?
I don't mean to complain but I just  really feel like I should be a Nike sponsored runner by now.
If you went on vacation and didn't run  or race, did you even go on vacation?
I ran... and my house is clean.  One of these is a lie.
People who tolerate me on days when  I haven't had my run...  They're the real heroes.
You know who NEVER says 'running  is really hard on your joints'? People who actually run.
Something only a runner would  understand... Traveling somewhere new to run a race IS a vacation !!
I'm 40 but I feel like I'm 20...  Until I hang out with some 20 year olds for mile repeats. Then I'm like no,  never mind, I'm 40
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