
Don't blame the holidays; you were fat in August.
My superpower? I change from "pretty girl" to "hot, panting, smelly wad of  hair and sweat" in under 30 minutes.  Wanna see?
Explaining today's mile splits  to my family even though  they didn't ask & don't care
If we can't go faster, we'll go longer!!
FACTS. There's no place like home.  To poop.
Running isn't about fitness anymore.  It's about medals.
When it comes to Saturdays, I'm  either running a million miles  or I'm not leaving my bed.  There is no in-between.
I do not spew profanities. I enunciate them clearly, like a f*cking lady.
Unexpected side effect of Taco Tuesday? Wet fart Wednesday...
I was born to be wild, but only until  9pm or so
Being a runner is mf expensive
You know you're a runner when... You've tried to convince a friend to  run a 5k with you because,  "it's ONLY 3.1 miles."
Today I bought a cupcake  without the sprinkles.  Diets are hard.
Pre-Workout: 160 calorie protein shake. Post-Workout.. WHOLE 16" PIZZA !!
I don't always pay $160 for shoes.  But when I do, they're  for running.
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