
Can you come pick me up? Where am I? Well I was on a runner's high and  I think I am in Ohio.
Running Friend; Someone who listens to your bullshit, tells you that it is bullshit, and still listens some more
Me stepping out the door,  ready to burn 240 calories  after consuming 12,700  over the weekend
The hardest part of training for a  new race is pretending that I'm still  in shape the first 30-45 days
I ran... and my house is clean.  One of these is a lie.
I was having a pretty crappy run... But then you said Hi.
NETFLIX: Are you still there ME: yeah mf till April 30th
Roses are red You went out too fast You started in first But ended dead last
Dear autocorrect, it's never cold as "duck"
Kinda wanna run a mile,  kinda wanna eat 10 Tacos...
"What do you think about while you're running?"  Me: Walking.
She believed she could. But it's "shelter-in-place" so she didn't
I feel like a Rock Star when my running matches the beat of the song playing  on my iPod!
You know you're a runner when... you've tried to convince a friend to run a 5k  with you because "it's  ONLY 3.1 miles."
"I have a dull pain around my kneecap"     WebMD: and it'll be your last
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