
**scrolling through my own IG page** Me: NOW THIS IS THE TYPE OF CONTENT I WANT TO SEE
At mile 20 I thought I was dead.  At mile 22 I wished I was dead.  At mile 24 I knew I was dead.  At mile 26.2 I realized I had  become too tough to kill.
There's no place like home.  To poop.
Anyone else reached that age where  you gain weight if you breathe
Apparently, "You Are What You Eat" applies to finish line food...
Honestly blows my mind sometimes  how one can be so active but still have a meh body. Probably has to do with me justifying things like pizza  because I ran 10 miles  or something like that
Remember that time you said "yes,  I will cruise with you..." Can you imagine how different our lives would  be had you started telling me no back then?
What do I think about when I run? Sometimes I fantasize about a world where I'm in charge, chocolate makes  you skinny, and everything is always  75% off.
Chocolate is good... but my new  Nikes are Fat-Free.
I have blisters on both feet, I might  have a stress fracture on my left foot, and my legs are so sore it hurts to  walk. But I got a shiny medal saying  "Finisher"... Which is nice !!
I like  running almost as much as  I love shopping for  running gear.
You might be a runner if you take words such as badass, insane, freak, beast, crazy, and obsessed as compliments.
I know I've truly grown into a strong determined runner because I can still literally do anything  while injured.
Girls getting an attitude because they  haven't run is a real thing
There is no "right time to go for a run", there is just time & what you choose to do with it
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