
I tried to tell my doctor that I haven't  run since my last visit and he just  responded "Ashley... I follow you  on Instagram"
Aging is not a disease. It's an  opportunity. To qualify for Boston!
Shout out to the runners who haven't  felt okay lately, but get up everyday  and refuse to quit. Stay strong.
Awesome & April both start with the letter A. Coincidence? I think not! It's April & time to get your AWESOME on!    L.U.N.A.R.-TheGroup
MONDAY.  Nothing a good pair of running shoes can't fix.
When people say they want  to go for a run with me... Oh so you wanna go  for a RUN RUN
Non-runners: it's still summer, there's no need to rush into fall   Runners:
That "Oh sh*t" feeling when you're  winded by your warmup...
A teenager at the local track asked me if I was old enough to have "seen Usain Bolt winning the 200 m in real time"  now if anyone needs me I will be  quietly walking into the ocean
Honey, you think it's tough getting into a sport bra, wait until you  try to take it off after  an hour of sweating!
I don't always pay to run a 5K. When  I do, it is for a good cause. 'Cause  I like the medal!
Please tell me I'm not the only one  who measures time using songs. "oh,  it only took me 4 songs to get here"
Do you ever try to breathe quieter while running up a hill so the others  couldnot hear you fighting for your life?
Me in middle school... Fakes sick to get out of running the  mile in gym class.  Me now... Pays to run 13.1 miles.
Black Friday Warning The most important things in life  aren't things
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