
What I love about long runs with  you are our totally inappropriate  conversations that no sane people  should have ever!
Hate being hungover on Saturday  and skipping your long run?  Try drinking on Thursday!
If you're feeling slow, just know that there's someone out there who's  New Year resolution was  to be able to race at  your recovery pace
*hill repeats* Not sure if runner's high or if about to pass out.
I came, I saw, I din't have  a mask, so I left
Yikes... one of the voices in my head has a potty mouth today.
When your friends suggest that you could just skip the run....  "You think this is a game?"
You guys ever just stare at your legs  and be like
do u ever just wake up in the morning and ur like no
I need Vaseline... Don't even think about! Is for my trainning silly...
"Clear your mind" "Ooooommmmmmm" "Arghh, my feet will never be attractive...."
You might have more talent than me,  you might be smarter than me, you  might be sexier than me... But if we  get on the treadmill together,  there's two things: You're  getting off first, or I'm going  to die. It's really that simple....
Peeing on a run with friends is such a  bonding moment
I finally figured out my body type.  It's hourglass with extra minutes...
You know you're a runner... when you  try guessing the pace of a runner  as they pass you.
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