
How many 'learn to run' clinics can I take before I'm a 'terminal beginner'?
When you survive another week of marathon training, eating healthy and having no social life
Shout out to all the runners who go the extra mile to listen to music a little bit longer. You are my kinda people
You never realize how little self control u have until chips and salsa in front of you at the Mexican restaurant.
I wouldn't say that running solves problems... but it prevents me from causing them.
If you see me in public looking like a hot mess, just know, my bills are paid, my heart is full,  and I'm not trying  to impress you
You're the reason I get up in the morning.  Just kidding... I am training for  a half-marathon.
If I weren't on such a runner's high,  I'd be ticked that my shoe size went UP while my cup size went DOWN.
I wish everything was as easy as  getting fat
You know you're a runner when.....  you HATE when training runs don't  end EXACTLY on a whole number..  But for some reason, you  have NO PROBLEM with  the numbers13.1 and 26.2
You know you're a runner when...  You can say things like "I'm just running an easy 6 miler today" and  you really mean it.
It's mad windy today.... Garbage is  blowing everywhere... So watch out for your marathon PR
7,900,000 people are running right now. 4,300,000 are getting ready to run. 1,100,000 just finished their run.  And you.... well you're  reading this. Don't  be a tangerine!  GO RUN!!
Not touching my face is going as well for me as not eating after 7 pm or  stretching after each run
Thanks for being my go-to running  friend to discuss the annoying-as-fuck tendencies of practically everyone
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