
Do you ever try to breathe quieter while running up a hill so the others could  not hear you fighting for your life?
I will tempt fate with my gas tank but start freaking out when my watch  battery gets bellow 65%
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... It ain't easy!!
At 32 I'm closer to the point of going on a cold snowy run with my friends than I am going to a bar with  them. I can't decide if this  makes me sad or excited
Older man in New Balance 407 :  "Where's your mask, asshole."  Me in Alphafly Next% : "I'm  vaccinated, peasant."
When Karen asks what you’re training for... “LIFE, Karen. I’m training for LIFE.”
Immediately regretting my decision... to start training for a half-marathon during the summer.
What the f*ck should I wear  to the living room today
I say "this is my running song" to about  20 songs
Are you normal or do you wake up  early on the weekends just to run very long distances unprovoked
My jeans say "NO MORE CHRISTMAS GOODIES" but my leggings are like "WE GOT YOU, GURRRL"
Me: I think I want to skip 2020 Boston Inner me: like you have a choice
People are so worried about what  they eat between Christmas and the  New Year, but they really should be worried about what they  eat between New Year  and Christmas.
My fitness goal is to get down to what  I told the DMW I weigh.
Not to brag but I've run every single day this year
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