
No one: Absolutely no one: My Apple Watch: breathe mf, BREATHE
I love running  I love running  I love running  I love running    *I'm dying* I love running
Welcome to 2019 Winter Run Streak,  I hope you like ibuprofen.
Gotta start training now to beat the  others on Halloween. Those Reese's Pumpkins are MINE.
You know who NEVER says "running  is really hard on your joints"?  People who actually run.
The older I get, the earlier it gets late.
*passing a slower runner* Me: Don't do it... Me: Don't do it... Me: Don't do it... Me: Don't do it... Also Me: *Another  one bites the dust*
I'm currently out for a run and can be reached by waiting until I get back.
Me before the run: ugh this  is gonna be a tough one Me during the run: ugh  this IS a tough one Me after the run: I'M A  MF BEAST WHO CAN  DO ANYTHING
A quick summary of 2020 so far.
Can you come pick me up? Where am I? Well I was on a runner's high and  I think I am in Ohio.
You know you'd better pick up the pace when a Banana is on your tail... and gaining
My mind:  get up and take a shower My body:  who gonna see you tho
All I want for Christmas is more  running gear... so that I'll have the  ability to eat whatever I want all  holiday season.
HOT YOGA: a regular yoga class,  but with me in it
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