
Don't come around my running group if you're sensitive. These mfs have  no filter
Things I don't feel like doing after  my marathon: MOVING.
I need to go harder. I'm not satisfied
I don't know why other athletes bite  their medals, but I do know runners are hungry and we will eat anything
Stages of running on the treadmill: 1. Hello, lover 2. Let
*Public Service Announcement* Every few days try ur jeans on just to make sure they still fit. Pajamas will  have u believe all is well  in the kingdom
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages."  Me:
Does anyone else whisper "what the  f*ck" to themselves at least 57 times  in the first two miles or is it just me
I might be crazy... but at least I'm not alone!
Don't blame the quarantine, chubbs. You were 25 lbs overweight before you were locked down with  a pallet of snacks
Tangerines are oranges that didn't want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
If you're having a shitty week just  know it can get a lot worse...   A whole lot worse.
Lol I don't want your man, I just want  you to know I can end your relationship with one "I miss running with you" text
Just once I would like to make it through an entire hill workout without having a WTF moment.
I've been waiting all winter to start complaining about the summer heat
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