
One day you're a teenager and the next you realize you've been trying to get  into Western States for the  last 15 years
I act like I'm okay but deep down  inside I wanna be sponsored by nike
Me:  *crossing the finish line* Mile 26.2:  Congratulations. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
Some running friends really make you wonder how you got lucky enough  to meet them
Tag the person you have the best running memories with
Your strava ever so dry that you  explored settings
I have blisters on both feet, I might  have a stress fracture on my left foot, and my legs are so sore it hurts to walk.. But I got a shiny medal saying  I finished the race... Which is nice!
WARNING. I'm exercising, eating right  and watching my alcohol intake.. Which means I'm sober, I'm cranky and I'm  sore. So proceed with caution.
When you survive another week of  marathon training, eating healthy and having no social life.
One minute you young and wild next minute you crazy about kt tape and compression socks
It's the start of the brand new day  and I'm off like a herd of turtles.  But I run.
Running won't solve all your  problems. But then again,  neither will housework.
RIP to all the boobs lost to running. You will be truly missed.
Just so you're aware... Between mile  20 and 26.2 I start to use the word  f*ck like it's a comma.
I really wish we had subtitles in real life because I really don't be hearing shit
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