
Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
Having a dirty mind makes ordinary training runs much more interesting.
I might wake up early and go running. I also might wake up and win the lottery. The odds are about the same.
Can y'all just stay inside?  I got shit to do in June
Trying to get in shape & maybe  running 5 days a week, it's  often called "OBSESSIVE"...  So sitting at home watching  TV 7 days a week isn't?
Amazon probably spends millions on search engine optimization and ad  software yet somehow hasn't figured out that after buying a foam roller I'm not immediately going to need another
Always keep a good bottle of wine in  the fridge for "special occasions." Obviously, my run is a  "special occasion".  I've started running  daily!
PERSON: wow you ran 17 marathons..  8 ultras, you must be so healthy! ME:  *caffeine-addicted* *chronically tired* *occasional binge-eating* *shin stress-fractures*  "Haha yeah idk it's just a lifestyle at this point"
I don't care if it's lonely at the top. It was lonely at the bottom
How are the people who put like three major races and an airplane emoji in  their bio doing? I'm worried about them
Sometimes I feel like giving up.  Then I remember I have a lot of people  to prove wrong.
ENDORPHINS: more effective than any drug!
Friends don't let friends do long runs alone.
Me: "My husband has been having  trouble falling asleep." My therapist : "Have you tried telling him  about your running?"
No one:  Me: What a beautiful day  to go for a run and tell  everyone to f*ck off
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