
"Is he Ok?" "I'm not sure... but he keeps asking me to pause his Garmin."
Mile 17. I'm not saying I'm in pain...  I'm just saying that Advils are my skittles now.
My week is basically:  *Monday *Monday #2 *Monday #3 *Monday #4 *Friday *Saturday *Pre-Monday
Nobody:  Me for absolutely no reason at all:
Shout out to all the runners who wake up tired AF and still  go for the morning run without missing a beat. You are my people.
So if I go running on weekdays just to burn enough calories to make up for my drinking on weekends, does that make  me a runner or an alcoholic?
The only thing working harder than me during a run is my sports bra.
Went for a quick run along  Lake Michigan...  I think I'm now in Wisconsin.
Based on how much my body cracks and pops during my morning run, I'm pretty sure I'm about 78% Rice Krispies
I won't say vert is beating my ass  right now... but the bitch got hands
Friends who sweat together  stay together!
I won't quit.  But I will cuss the whole time.
Due to coronavirus my summer body  will be postponed until 2021. Thank you for your understanding
I started my new training program today by shopping online for shoes.  Baby steps.
RUNNERS: If you're not interested  in my running then just say it NON-RUNNERS: I'm not interested  RUNNERS: Let me change that
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