
A few people who teased me back in  High School and Middle School actually follow me on social media now.....  And I just wanna say y'all  look a fuckin' mess
You know you're a runner when... You don't drink, you hydrate.  You don't eat, you carb up. You don't rest, you taper.  You don't work out, you train.  Foam roll is a verb.
Just once I would like to make it through an entire hill workout without having a WTF moment
Sometimes I feel like giving up.  Then I remember I have a lot of people to prove wrong!
We are 5 months in 2020 and it's  still January.
Prayers needed... Nothing wrong, I just wanna hit the lotto and quit my job
My manager: Why is your entire IG  story videos of you running after you  told me you were too sick to get  up and work this morning? Me: .....
No matter how good you feel on your run... There will always be a woman pushing a stroller that's running faster than you!!
If you have an opinion about my  running style, please raise your hand.  Now put it over your mouth.
When life shuts a door  open it again. It's a door.  That's how they work
When I say "give me 5 minutes"... I mean 5 treadmill minutes
Only runners will understand....  That nervous pee you get before a race even though you've already gone to the bathroom a million times...
"Daddy, why did Mommy run past our house?" "Because she misjudged the distance of her long run, so she can't come back home until her Garmin  tells her it's OK."
Remember when Pandemic was a  Netflix series and not a Virtual Race  Series
Do people who say summer is their favorite season
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