
Nine months from now I better not see               KO'RONA VYRESS                        6lbs 4oz
He says he wants a girl with personality  but gets mad when I give him several?!  Lol ok ungrateful
Y'all please be careful out there cause  these people with no AC driving fast af!
RUNNING STATISTIC 78% of runners correct their form when  they see a runner of the opposite sex heading towards them
Things I accomplished so far this  quarantine: 1. Gained 10 pounds 2.
Me: For Christmas I want a dragon Santa: Be realistic Me: Ok, I want to be sponsored by Nike Santa: What color dragon you want?
Something only a runner would understand... Traveling somewhere  new to run a race IS a vacation !!
When life is stressful, do something  to lift your spirits... Go for a run, go two or three thousand miles away.  Maybe change your name.
Not sure how to celebrate Global  Running Day? Go for a run and maybe you
*IT band sore af*  Stretching: Rest: Ice: Motrin:  KT tape: i got you babe
Beer tent opens at 10:30 ?! That's not good enough.
You glow different when you just  scored a new PR
If you think you can just win me over  with some running shoes and a puppy... you're damn right.
I know I said I wanted to get fit. But I'm hungry.
If dad bods can be okay, can we lower the standards for females? Shit I like  beer and food too
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