
I don't know who needs to hear this...  but you don't gain anything from stressing. Remember that
A clean house is a sign of an injured  runner
Ripping off your mask when you get  back in the car is the new taking off  your hijab when you get home
Difficulty sitting on a toilet?  Dread even the sight of stairs?  Difficulty getting out of bed?  Difficulty walking?  DIAGNOSIS:  Ran a marathon!
Ok QUESTION of the day: when leaving  the house... does anyone tell  their pets they will be  home later?
Surgeons: Tiger Woods' return to elite  golfing will be "very challenging" Runners everywhere: Just ice it bro  you'll be fine
ME: "I'm just going to relax and enjoy  a quiet evening at home"  *Mainly because I spent  all my money on running  gear & race entry fees*
Bottle of wine = 534 Calories... or five miles.  Yeah, start running!
I don't even get disappointed  anymore when races are cancelled...    I just be like "aw again? Ok."
The strongest actions for a woman is  to love herself, be herself and shine  amongst those who never believed  she could
You know you are an ultrarunner when you sign up for a 10k and run it twice because it wasn't far  enough.
#InstaRunners belongs to girls. Boys get one good selfie and use it  for three years.
Sometimes words aren't enough and  that's why we have middle fingers
You know you're a runner when... you  see a sign on the highway telling how many miles an exit is and  you think "I could run that!"
"every girl's dream is to get married" no lol, every girl's dream is to run  Boston
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