
IT HURTS when you do so much for someone special and in the end you get "...the race is now canceled"
Shoutout to everyone checking their  stats on Strava, Fitbit or Garmin on  the company dime right now
F@^K!!  ...I'm lost.  But I feel so badass it doesn't matter.
Dear Life, when I said "can this race get any worse" it was a rhetorical  question not a challenge
I came home from work completely exhausted and way too tired to do  chores around the house... So I went  for an easy 5 instead.
Friends who are patient when you  need to take a dump mid-run >>>>>>
*wakes up* (the day after a marathon) Ah that muscle soreness probably ain't too bad I can still.... *starts moving a little* I'VE BEEN HIT BY A TRUCK
Anyone else feel personally attacked  by the non-runners when they ask  "Did you win it" after a marathon?
Anyone else permanently going through  a lot lately?  "Thank you for entering the Chicago Marathon non-guaranteed  entry drawing. We regret to  inform you that..
I think I've reached that point in my life where happy hour is a nap
My husband says I don't do enough work around the house. It's like this  marathon is going to run itself.
I bet when Cheetahs race and one of them cheats, the other one goes like "Man, you're suck a Cheetah!" And they laugh and eat a zebra or whatever.
No matter how fire your selfies are, your race pics will always humble you
I ran... and my house is clean.  One of these is a lie.
EARLY MORNING RUN  During the first mile: f*ck this,  I'm sooo f*cking tired During the last mile:  f*ck yeah baby! That's  what I call a good run.  I can't wait for tomorrow
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