
If you can "smell" rain, you country  as hell
It's crazy how many people try to  talk to you after one good picture
Nothing makes a race more attractive  than hearing other runners complain about the grueling course.
Why isn't the answer to a running  injury ever "Just keep running a lot, it will go away"
For a generation that is hype on true crime – y'all be sharing your running routes with fucking everyone a lot
PERSON: wow you ran 17 marathons 8 ultras, you must be so healthy!  ME: *caffeine-addicted*  *chronically tired*  *occasional binge-eating*  *shin stress-fractures*   "haha yeah idk it's just a  lifestyle at this point"
SHUT UP, PAIN! I trained not to stop until finish line!
I promise to stop talking about my marathon after I run my marathon.
Nobody supports you like a social media running friend that you never met
I just burned an extra 1,400 calories. ...I forgot the pizza in the oven.
You know you're a runner when... you are tempted to laugh at people  who wear hydration belts for a 5k.
When I say I'm blessed it has nothing  to do with pace. It's all endurance baby!!
How can you tell if someone ran a marathon? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
Someone once told me life is a  marathon not a sprint. Now life is  nothing but marathons  and hill sprints.
"you really think running will help you solve your problems"  me:
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