New Featured eBibs

We added practicing our pose for the camera to our training plan because we want to get it just right since those pictures are more expensive  than the race!
Today's forecast shows a 0% chance  of cooking or cleaning, with a good chance of a long run and a nap.
Some people will watch a movie to unwind. And some of us just go for  a 2 hour run instead.
RUNNER:  One who has six pairs of  "retired" running shoes in  her closet in addition to the ones currently  in use.
Do you ever get really motivated to do something and you get really excited  about it and then when you get home you're like nah.. I'll just go for a run!
Friends who sweat together  stay together!
I ran 3 miles this morning... So if  I did the math right, that entitles me  to 3 pounds of chocolate and a bottle  of wine.
The more you WORKOUT, the weaker  HIS knees get.
RUNNING... Because dieting is not  an option!
The miracle isn't that I finished.  The miracle is that I had the courage  to start.
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and  somehow makes two hours of  running fun!
My feet may not be pretty...  But I have killer legs!
I wish weight was like virginity.  Once you lost it you could never  get it back!
According to my calorie intake, I need  to be on the treadmill for two years.
You think I'm crazy because I run??  Trust me, you'd see crazy if I din't run!
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