
80% of arguments start because  someone hasn't run yet.
You know you're a runner when you  can say things like "I'm just running an  easy 6 miler today" and you  really mean it
Today I'm going  to pretend I ran; but really, I went  shopping for new running shoes
Friendly reminder that one run a day keeps the bullshit away
"Running only works if you go for a run."      –Eliud Kipchoge
Suck it up... So one day you won't have to suck it in
Me during a race: I'm killing it. I love this feeling Shit this is hard. OMG I'm dying  When is it over? Actually dead I love this song. Fuck this hill I can't do this anymore.  FINISH LINE I fucking looove running!
Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
I'm like "omg I've so much to do" and  then I go for a run
WARNING  I'm exercising, eating right and  watching my alcohol intake. Which  means I'm sober, I'm cranky and I'm  sore. So proceed with caution
Came home after a short run and my  dog peed a little because he was happy  to see me. None of my friends pee when  they see me. I'm surrounded by fakes
The air hurts my face. Why am I living where the air hurts my face??
The runner's mind: How we think we look versus how we really look.
it's disgusting how much I replay a song when I love it
Friendly reminder that it's not always  sunshines and rainbows. Sometimes it's speed work and hill repeats
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