
Burger and a beer... burger and a beer... burger and a beer... burger and a beer...
THEM: "Post the first picture of you  and your significant other together"  ME:
To make a woman happy give her three things... Love, Laughter and  a Long Run!
I wanna run an ultra - but also, yikes
"bRUNch" after a long run is hella dangerous. 1 minute you're having bottomless mimosas with  your squad and the next  you're sending "u up"  text at 11:50am
Me at 9 PM: "Do your part by staying home, we can stay safe & save lives!!"    Me at 9 AM: "surprisingly legs feel great after  yesterday's tempo"
*RUNNER'S LOGIC* Only a runner would consider it "winning" a lottery.. If they're  picked, they get to run  26.2 miles and have to pay $11.3/mile  to do so. YIKES!
I wish everything was as easy as  getting fat.
Cheap flights, work from home,  gas prices dropping y'all sure this  a crisis?
Your grandparents were called to war. You're being called to sit on a couch. You can do this
My kids are the reason I wake up every morning. Really freakin' early... Every. Single. Morning.
Imagine you get murdered while out for  a run and some girl skips your episode of forensic files because it's boring
The face a runner makes when trying to eat a gel packet or more commonly referred to as "Flavored Snot"...
How do we make snooze button minutes as long as treadmill minutes
Never thought I would spend my hard earned money for shoes and gear, train for months, pay an entry  fee, get up early, and  drive an hour, just  to run in a race that  I hope to last less  than 30 minutes...
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