New Featured eBibs

I'd run a lot faster if I didn't have to pee.
You know you are a runner when "No Trespassing" really doesn't mean what it should.
DIAGNOSIS:  Needs to run.
When you look this good running, why would you NOT wear short shorts?
Commit to the spit!
Not sure if I'm out of shape...  or I just suck.
#RunnerProblems  When making weekend plans your first thought is always, "when can I get my long run in?"
Was that one of those color runs?  The one question you don't want to hear after training and completing a marathon!
A true running friend...  Waits for you when you need to take  a dump mid-run.
The runner's mind: How we think we look versus how we really look.
Yes, I'm doing the 5k. And yes, I have on my hydration belt.
RUNNER: One who has six pairs of "retired" running shoes in her closet in addition to the ones currently in use.
Another weekend, another race...  Medal and t-shirt!
Every box of raisins is a tragic story of grapes that could have been wine.
26.2 ...because 26.3 would be CRAZY!
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