
Me trying to solve my problems
Just two goats staring at each other
Me: My Insta crush liked my photo  Friend: How'd you meet him? Me: Through a mutual  virtual race account
I'm looking forward to the Rock'n'Roll virtual running series. I heard they're your normal runs but with medals
Government: "Only go outside for emergencies"  People's emergencies:  "I wanted donuts"
Do you ever type bare laughing emojis then remove a couple cos it wasn't  that funny
Running and wine are my quarantine  life coaches. Running: "you got it girl!" Wine: "no you don't but cheers"
Running an ultramarathon is more thrilling when you don't have health insurance
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older. This sh*t was not what I expected
Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
My soul mate is probably driving  alone, with a mask on. Come  pick me up stupid
You know you're a runner when...  You can run 6 miles nonstop and still  feel out of shape.
You ever been 2 seconds from a psychotic break because you can't get a sports bra off
20 things "back-of-the-pack" runners  should stop wearing during a race:   1-20: The weight of other  people's f*cking judgement  and expectation
Mimosas - a socially acceptable way  to start partying after a race....  at breakfast!
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