
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Pro tip: Be so fast that everyone forgets that you are ugly
I'm sorry if you are offended by  #eBibsAfterDark ......I want you  to know that someone cares...  Not me, but someone
Being a runner and NOT being able to  run is exciting because we don't know  what mood we'll be in next  or for how long
You never know what I have up my  sleeve on race day. Today, for example, it was a dryer sheet
There's NO ROOM for unsupportive  runners in 2020
You know you're a runner when...  you see a sign on the highway telling  how many miles an exit is and you  think "I could run that!"
When people ask me what I do for fun... STRUGGLE.
Running is the only time my mind is  quiet. Probably because I'm focusing  on not falling down.
Only 58 days, 12 hrs and 35 more years until I'm running Boston
Yeah, I earned this! You got a problem with that?
The only thing that I will ever force  in life is my skinny jeans over my big calves
A lady is never in a hurry.. but can still outrun you.
I love getting cute morning texts like "your order is out for delivery"
I wonder if there's a taco out there thinking of me too
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