
I run because I get to be the weirdo running in the wind, rain and snow.
Congratulation on finishing  your first marathon yesterday.  And good luck with walking  down stairs the rest  of the week.
If at first you don't succeed, fix your ponytail, and try again.
What's worse than heartbreak?   Me:
Words to live by: "When your running shoes costs $250 you can't afford to be running virtual races"
Completed my first marathon. And the award for "Acting  normal when you have  a crap load of pain"  goes to...... ME !!!!
Them: OMG you're running Boston???  Me: ....... Them: Ewww virtual.....  Some people just drain the  fucking nice out of you
I stand by and listen to  your rants about your TV  shows, so don't make  faces when I mention  marathon and running.
My vocabulary during a marathon:
I cross the road like I don't have any  family or friends left
YES! YES! I did it! I feel fabulous.I'm badass, I finished my first marathon!  I am amazing! This is the best  I ever felt in my entire life!  Umm, bring the car to me,  I can't move from here...
26 POINT FREAKING 2....The begging  be so litt..... Butterflies and lies
F**k!! ...I'm lost.  But I feel so badass it doesn't matter.
It's a lot easier to start your race when you know it will end up with BEER.
Facial recognition on my iPhone be  like "Damn is this MF really trying to ignore the IT band AGAIN???"
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