
Me contemplating wtf i'm going to do  with my life because it's raining and  i hate treadmills
Packs 2 hours before traveling for a race... Unpacks 3 months after coming home.
ME: Should I sign up for another race? Brain: No  Wallet: No  Legs: No  ME: Sold!
Will I still be smiling after 100 miles in Oct? Hmmm!
You know running makes you a badass when you become an eBib caricature!
I'm telling you, I saw a guy in a Pink  Tutu running the other way.
Running has taught me that I can keep  going long after I think I can't.
My name is Ant and I’m Awesome!!! #almostfamous
I deleted all the perfect runners yesterday.  Good morning train wrecks!  Y'all need coffee or what?   –Chaos Coordinator
When you realize your only 2 hobbies include running and taking naps
Runners are so powerful... they'll take a smiling selfie for the gram even when they're actually laying in bed like
hackers need to step the fuck up and  give everyone a BQ...Fuck virtual, i want  the real deal, i wanna run with the elite
You know you're a runner when...  you ask yourself why you run and you have no real answer.
You either want to be a distance runner or you want skinny jeans. You really  can't have both.
Finish Lines are where you realize just how beautiful is to be alive in this world
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