
Remember last year when the worst thing was tapering for your race
You know you're a runner when... You google your name and all you find  are race results.
Unless you are standing at mile 26 or 26.1, please do not hold a sign saying "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE"!
Shout out to all runners who will never qualify for Boston, we basic af but  we cute
Welcome to your third week of  marathon training.  Breakfast is ibuprofen
Part of the good feeling  after working out is not having to feel guilty for  NOT working out!
You know you're a runner when...  You finished 10 miles and you don't brag to your friends because it's not a big deal anymore...
Life without my crazy running friends will be so boring
Car naps on the way home from races  hit differently when you're  the one driving
Every chance you get, shine.  They hate that.
You share your deepest, darkest  secrets with your running partner... And then barely recognize them face to face in street clothes.
Happy Father's Day to someone  old enough to remember what it was  like to run without a GPS watch.
Yeah breakups hurt, but have you  ever watched your best running friend turned into a stranger?
Day 62 of quarantine: I haven't run  a real race in 4 years
I get race day flashbacks like I was  in the f*cking war or something
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