
"I don't need another drink"     - said not me last night
When you finally get a friend to  sign up for a 5k
You know you're a runner when... you scoff at paying $10 for a movie ticket  but you'll happily pay $40 for a 5K that you hope lasts less  than 30 minutes.
You know you're a runner... when the phrase, "it's all downhill from here" is actually a good thing.
That moment in the race when you  hear sirens and wonder if you  passed out and you're just  dreaming of finishing.
No rich parents. No assistance.  No handouts. No favors. No excuses.  Straight hunger. Straight  ambition. Straight hustle.
People be like, “I got 99 problems...” and I’m over here like,   “...have you  ever tried  running?”
Post your selfies for YOU. Run a little run a lot
The next person to say "Oh, you're only running the Half", is going to get punched in the throat.
You might be an ultrarunner if
I believe in real racing. Old school racing.  I don't know wtf y'all doing these days  but it ain't it
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... it ain't easy!!
You might be an ultrarunner if. . . you actually know how far 100 kilometers is.
The best ab exercise is walking...  Walking away from the kitchen.
Fun fact about me: I only suggest races that give you beer or wine at the finish because I'm what? A good friend.
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