
"Your race looked awesome." "It was hell." "Oh. I only saw the Instagram version."
ME:  Wanna hang out? FRIEND:  Sure US:
May your co-workers never find out who you really are on the weekends.
You know you're a runner when...  you've tried to convince a friend  to run a 5k with you because  "it's ONLY 3.1 miles."
Some days I run to LOSE myself.  Other days I run to FIND myself. But most days I run because  I want to add to my t-shirt  and "bling" collections.
You know you're a runner when...  you see another person running  and get jealous.
*Runner's High*  The feeling you get when  you buy a new pair of  running shoes.
We wanted to run an ultra so bad.... Now look at us. Just f*cking look
94 percent of running ultras is  wondering when can you lie down  again.
Any running group has these:  1. the loud one 2. the really funny one 3. weirdo who has to be supervised  4. the one that gets bullied 5. and a real fast one
I don't run through injury – that would  be stupid. I simply refuse to believe the injury exists. That's tooootally different
"Can you can take a pic of us?" "Are you sure? You don't look good."
You know you're a runner when... your friends no longer look at you like you're nuts because they know  it for sure.
the first race of 2020 basically said "But did you die tho?"
The hardest part of training for a new  race is pretending that I'm still in shape the first 30-45 days
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