
Fuck it. Just start quoting running  cliches in the comments
It doesn
Ultramarathon (noun.) An event in which people run around for a whole day, often on a trail, searching for food tents.
You and I are more than running friends. We're like a really small gang.
If you don't have a crew when running an ultra you are really missing out on having a servant around you all the time
Don't be mad at lazy people,  we didn't do anything
Happy Indigenous People's Day today and everyday
do runners ever sit back and think "maybe i'm running too much"
Not sure drinking a green beer is gonna fix this but it will damn sure numb the pain!!
Did it hurt? When you got into your  dream race and you DNFed because  you're an IPOS?
Two-hour marathon?? With caffeine, all things are possible.
I don't think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self  out of a dark place mentally. So  if you've done that today or  any day, I'm proud of you.
Ultramarathon basics • left foot • right foot • left foot • right foot Repeat for 3 to 72 hrs
I was going through shit by myself with a mf next to me
Isn't it cute that you literally tell  your running friend everything like  no embarrassment no shame nothing  hidden. That's a proper running friend.
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