
The sky isn't more beautiful if you have a "runners body". Music doesn't sound  more interesting if you have a six-pack.  Dogs aren't better company if you  are famous. Pizza tastes good  regardless of your status. The  best things in lif...
What's it like running an ultra? Have you ever had a migraine and an erection at the same time?
I ran 50 miles sounds so much better than I DNFed halfway through a hundo
ULTRARUNNING When you need a little more "Fcck this shit" in your life
ULTRARUNNING;  Puking on the most beautiful places on earth
Suicide is not  selfish. Suicide is,  normally, death caused by the illness  of depression. It is the final symptom. A final collapse under unbearable  weight. Suicide is a tragedy. If  you have never been close  to that edge try not to j...
For those signed up to run your first  100 miler now cancelled.. God is  giving you a second chance  to think about it
" wHy DoNt YoU PosT oN InStAgRam  oFteN? " Bitch because I'm injured,    mind your business
Ultrarunners be like... "Feeling good might DNF later"
Don't let another person ruin your day. Ruin your own damn day
Anxiety is horrid. But being a person  prone to the deep sensitivity anxiety  entails can also mean that u develop curiosity, u feel art deeply, u dissapear  into books like other lives, ur sexual imagination becomes wilder, foods  become...
Friends that sweat together, share medals together...
I think it's time i do shit differently
Just... no.
Has anyone else been planning to  stick to a home-workout routine starting Monday since March
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