
*wakes up* (the day after a hilly race) Ah that muscle soreness probably ain't too bad I can still.... *starts moving a little* I'VE BEEN HIT BY A TRUCK
To all the runners battling depression... To all the runners still running when the  world stole your joy of running. To all  the runners facing cultural identity  issues. To all the runners  having suicidal thoughts.... You are worthy....
*gym workout* One thing about me is I stare back... f*ck is you looking at
Not sure if I have a strong immune  system or just don't go to the gym  enough
I barely got friends but I got the  right ones
I love the unexpected friendships  that I have made
Check in on your Half-Fanatics,  we are not okay
Friend: How's training going?  Me: Stupid decisions
Bestie, if you're reading this, I miss you dumb bitch
I'm so happy with the people who are  in my life right now, and even happier with the ones who left
Oh, you get your caffeine through  drinking coffee? Must be nice to have  that much free time.
My non-runner husband just gave me  advice on my foamrolling routine so now  I have to figure out exactly how Carole  Baskin fed her husband to a tiger
"She ain't just a snack if she's always high. She's an edible"    –Snoop Dogg
What's worse than running 2.68 miles  and realizing you didn't turn on your  GPS watch?????? NOTHING.
Me? I don't have trouble focusing.  In fact
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