
Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities
A true running friend waits for you when you need to take a dump mid-run
Different day, same shit.
Marathon? Nah, I'm training for  Black Friday!
Black Friday Warning  The most important things in life  aren't things
Coffee is so confident.  It's just a wet bean, and it's like, "I'm worth $5.75 and you  need me, bitch."
My kids get recess, why shouldn't I?
Me seeing a personal trainer who needs a personal trainer
Nothing messes up your Friday like realizing it's only Thursday!
Running a marathon is mostly  whispering "for fucks sake" every  time you see a mile marker
Name a better feeling than going for  a run you almost canceled and it ends  up being amazing
There's no place like home.  To poop.
Definitely sign up for a triathlon   because running isn't hard enough  already and free time is stupid
When you realise your three main hobbies include going for a run,  naps and food.
My friends tell me that running is easy, but it
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