
Up before dawn.   Run multiple miles. In sub-zero temps. Do it again tomorrow. Because....
Make time for friends who make  you better.
My legs are giving me the silent  treatment today.
Today's good mood is sponsored  by Running!
Some days you eat salad and go for  a long run. Other days you drink two bottles of wine, eat a whole pizza and finish off with a carton of ice-cream.  IT'S CALLED BALANCE.
Can you come pick me up? Where  am I? Well I was on a runner's high  and I think I am in Ohio.
Warning:  Frequent racing may lead to an excessive collection of medals and tech shirts.   It will also eliminate the  need to ever buy safety pins.
I wish menus would list mile equivalents rather than calories. Like, if you eat that cheesecake, go ahead and add another 10 miles to your run.
You know who NEVER says "running is really hard on your joints"?  People who actually run.
People who eat loads of food and never gain weight, I hate you.
Toes with nail polish? (10) Toes with REAL toe nails under the polish? (classified)        RunningOnTheFly
Was that one of those color runs?  The one question you don't want to hear after training and completing a marathon!
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and somehow makes 2 hours or running fun!
Tangerines are oranges that didn't  want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
My run. My speed. My way.  Forget the Joneses.  I'm keeping up with myself!
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