
Aging is not a disease. It's an opportunity.... to qualify for Boston
Then only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.
The faster you run the sooner we'll  be drunk!
You know you're a runner when... you scoff at paying $10 for a movie ticket  but you'll happily pay  $40 for a 5K that you  hope lasts less than  30 minutes
Got twisted in a sweaty sports bra  today... my whole life flashed before  my eyes... I honestly thought I  was gonna be stuck like that  till I died of dehydration  or something.
Diet tip.  Your pants will never get too tight if you don't wear any.
STAY FIT.  Getting back on track is so damn frustrating!!
Marathons, one of the few times in life you can have your wife be completely speechless and not have to do a thing.
I used to think runners were happy  'cause all those endorphins until I  become one. Now I know  it's 'cause we get to eat  and drink when we  are done.
We added practicing our pose for the camera to our training plan because we want to get it just right since those pictures are more expensive  than the race!
I'm always weirdly proud when my pee  is clear. Like, hell yea, I'm so damn hydrated!
I don't mean to complain but I just  really feel like I should be a Hoka sponsored runner by now.
That point in the first mile of every race when you realize "I paid how much money? to abuse my body for how many miles??  and another T-shirt??"
Eye contact then that little smile  >>>>
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