
Today we celebrate running around the world. Which is not as exhausting as it sounds.
Most people don't realize this, but you can run without telling Facebook  about it.
Tangerines are oranges that didn't want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
We don't do it for the medals...  Said no runner ever.
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners just stand there  looking pissed.
I hope all 6 of the people I like in the world had a great day today
Distance Running; because with a butt this good, who needs sexy feet?
It's not the heat, it's the humidity... and the morons.
Trail Running; Because the squirrels are the only ones who truly appreciate my out of breath singing.
Get ready for a pounding. Some of us  could see 8 inches or more. That's too  much --- even for me.
People that make you smile on your worst days are so important
Chuck Norris?  Who is she?
Did it hurt? When you finally scored  a Local Legend status on a segment  and got ZERO kudos?
The only fantasy i have in the bedroom these days is getting eight hours of  sleep
Teach your children the joy of running  and they'll never have enough money  to buy drugs
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