
My bathing suit told me to go to the  gym, but my sweat pants were like "Nah girl, you're good".
"Runfie"...the art of taking the perfect pic mid run...
Does anyone actually know what  you're supposed to do when people are yelling "You're almost there" at mile 5 in a marathon?
So if I go running in the morning just to  burn enough calories to make  up for my drinking at night,  does that make me a runner  or an alcoholic?
{RUNNING}  will break your heart, snatch your  pride and leave you begging for your  ever-lovin' life. But if you're  willing to tread through  proverbial shit, it will heal  whatever it is you're  ready to heal
By replacing your morning coffee with green tea, you can lose up to  87% of what little joy you still have left  in your life
I don't always sprint at the end of  race.. But when I do, my running  picture looks like I was trying!
What won't kill you will get you  your next PR.
Is it even marathon season if you don't eat every fucking thing in sight?
What's the meanest and cruelest thing you've ever said to a bad driver? I'm not asking for a friend, I'm asking  for inspiration
Not tonight honey, I've got a long run in the morning...
Does anyone else whisper "what the  f*ck" to themselves at least 57 times in the first two miles or is it just me
What I love about long runs with you are our totally inappropriate conversations that no sane people should have ever!
"Training is making me lose so much weight!!"  ...said no marathoner ever!
I skip instagram stories too fast and I end up voting on things by accident so  I'm sorry if I said your dog was ugly
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