
If you love her, buy her running shoes.
Just when your thought you boobs  couldn't get any smaller.... RUNNING!
My last though before I start a race: "Why am I doing this?" My first thought after i finish a race: "When can I do it again?"
Dear Mother Nature, get back on your meds, pop open a bottle of wine, and start thinking warm, happy thoughts...
"So, what race are you training for?"   "I'm training for a marathon, and you?" "Oh, I run marathons all the time. Usually those 5k ones."
Run hills they said....it'll be fun  they said.
Runs marathons... But hates going to the store because  it's too much walking.
**Username or Password incorrect**   Hey, STRAVA..... why can't you just  tell me which one?
There should be a REFUND on  CALORIES for things that didn't taste as good as you expected!
Seriously considering wearing a diaper for my next half, but I'm worried about the chafing.
All you need is love.  And a run... Maybe a cookie... And wine.  Don't forget  the wine!!!
I don't always pay $160 for shoes.  But when I do, they're are  for running.
1. DENIAL  2. ANGER  3. BARGAINING  4. DEPRESSION  5. ACCEPTANCE  My stages of getting  ready for treadmill.
The tree in 20 feet or the port-a-potty in over a mile?
I just blocked someone for posting  "Running sucks". I am not f*cking  around today
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