
The next person to say "Oh, you're only running the Half", is going to get  punched in the throat.
Not training to be skinny, training to be badass.
The best running partners create routes around bathroom stops.
You don't have time to  run? Original...
Do I get a discount for my  pedicure if I only have  seven toenails?
RUNDERFUL (adjective) How you feel the minute after you finish your run.
Why can't people just plan  their parties around my  race schedule??
I'm a big fan of that post-laundry feeling when you've got all your A-list running clothes back in the game.
Monday - Rest Day. AKA Eat Everything in the  House Day.
I LOVE RUNNING, i hate running,  I LOVE RUNNING, i hate running,  I LOVE RUNNING, i hate running..
Slow runners make  fast runners look good.  YOU'RE WELCOME.
Sometimes, when we are running....Our shoes get really squeaky...!!!
Woke up in running clothes. I really  admire drunk me and her ambitions.
Never again until the next one - that's what a marathon will do to you.
Pro Tip: If you eat cupcakes fast enough your Fitbit will thing you're jogging.
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