
Don't think of them as hills; think of  them as dicks. Sometimes they're up sometimes they're down.. but they  won't be hard forever
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners just stand there looking pissed.
Turkey Trot: a race before a Thanksgiving meal that burns the equivalent of 6 oz of turkey. Wait, what? Only 6 oz of Turkey! That's it??
You know you're a runner when... You no longer hate port-a-potties. In fact, there have been times  you've been very happy  to see one.
Shoutout to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap... Pulled  an all-dayer today. Pretty rough.
A true running friend...  Waits for you when you need to take  a dump mid-run.
It's the freaking weekend, baby I'm about to do 12 loads of laundry.
I run because I like when  my hair looks like Beyonce's.
I'd rather be the slowest runner  in a race anytime, than a spectator  for a lifetime!
You never realize how little self control u have until chips and salsa in front of you at the Mexican restaurant.
Ugh, who has time to go for a run?  ..I say before a 2 hour nap.
I hate brushing my teeth at night because that signifies that you can't have anymore food and I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.
The mid-run face when  you remember you locked your keys in the car...
You can always tell who the strong  women are. They are the ones you  see building each other up, instead of tearing each other down.
My warmup includes  waiting for satellites.
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