
Being at work can be enjoyable... ...when you're ordering  running shoes online.
When I post a run selfie,  I am not bragging. I am assuring  my loved ones that  I am still alive!
FACT: Every culture has a word for
Honey, if you think it's tough getting  into a sport bra, wait until you try  to take it off after an hour  of sweating!
Livin' la Vida Rona
Running before my relatives arrive is my way of keeping my sanity alive.
Taking off a sweaty sports  bra should be considered  resistance training.
Ok, fine. I'll run. But I'm going to complain the whole time!
I love when runners smile at me and I smile back and we have that nice we're runners smiling moment
MONDAY.  Nothing a good pair of running shoes can't fix.
I promise I am a lot nicer than my "resting run face"!
I think my soulmate might be carbs.
Accidentally went grocery shopping  after my long run and now I'm  the proud owner of aisle 4.
I know it's Monday.. But where are we running next weekend?
Just changed my Facebook name to
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